Saturday, January 12, 2013

Free ebook download Java Game Programming For Dummies pdf file

Free ebook download Java Game Programming For Dummies and learn many things. Here are some contents from this book.

This book shows you the techniques that make games tick, and gives you
dozens of working Java code examples. In addition, each example is backed
up by detailed explanations that fully deconstruct the code so that you can
see how everything works. You can start from these working examples and
customize them, use the parts to create entirely new games, or simply use
them as a source of ideas for writing your own custom game code.
While this book does, where necessary, discuss a little theory, the real heart
of the book is intended more like a hands-on auto shop class than a physics
lecture. After all, understanding how a water pump works is a lot easier if
you can hold one in your hand and see where it fits on a real car engine....

Making puzzle pieces that act
like real puzzle pieces
One of the trickiest aspects of coding the puzzle is designing the logic that
makes the puzzle pieces act like real puzzle pieces placed on a real board_
For example, when you try to slide a puzzle in the direction of an adjacent
piece, the adjacent piece either blocks the first piece from moving, or, if tha
piece is able to slide in the same direction, is pushed along.
To accomplish this, each puzzle piece needs to know its size and current
position and be able to check the size and position of the other pieces.

Sprites are most useful for 2-D games - particularly arcade games where
you have a background and various objects moving over it. You use sprites
to represent game elements that move around the screen, although you can
also use sprites for stationary game elements. Game elements can be any
object in your game: spaceships, bullets, explosions, little men, obstacles,
walls, vicious blobs of slime, or a plumber named Mario.
Movable sprites contain code to move across a game background - which
brings up the questions of where and how to move the sprite - so we show
you how to give your sprites enough intelligence to answer these questions.......


Free ebook download Ebook-Photoshop CS All-in-One Reference for Dummies pdf file

Free ebook download Ebook-Photoshop CS All-in-One Reference for Dummies and learn it easily. Here are some contents from this book.

Photoshop offers a variety of ways to view your image documents
as you work with them. You can pull back to look at
the big picture or zoom in to work on a tiny portion of the
image in minute detail. A useful Navigator palette is also at hand
to show you exactly where you are in an image and help you
move to a specific spot with a click of the mouse button. Should
you want to align objects precisely on the screen, Photoshop
offers grids and guides with some “magnetic” properties.....

Measuring On-Screen
You can measure distances and objects within Photoshop many different ways. The rulers,
used in combination with guides, are a good way to mark distances precisely so that you can
create objects of a particular size. You can change the increments used for these measurements
in Photoshop’s Preferences, as detailed in Book I, Chapter 6.
However, Photoshop also has a handy Measure tool you can use to lay measurement outlines
in any direction (not just vertically or horizontally as with grids and guides).......

Creating Fade Effects
To create a “fade out” image, just follow these steps:
1. Enter the words Fading out slowly (or
other text of your choice) into a new
type layer.
You find out how to enter text in Book
IV, Chapter 4.
2. Choose Layer➪Add Layer Mask➪
Reveal All.
This creates a mask that can show or
hide some of the layer.....


Free ebook download Ebook-Building.Your.Business.with.Google.For.Dummies-DDU pdf file

Free ebook download Ebook-Building.Your.Business.with.Google.For.Dummies-DDU and learn many things. Here are some contentes from this book.

Google and Its Competition
Google’s dominance of consumer searching is awesome. There has been no
such near-monopoly since Yahoo! was the only important search-and-find
Web destination in 1994. The numbers have become a familiar mantra: more
than 200 million searches a day, constituting about 50 percent of global
search queries. Alongside those numbers looms Google’s activity as a business
partner to businesses of all sizes.....

Two Sides of the Google Coin
Google is really two companies: Google the search engine and Google the
business-services company. Together, the two sides form Google the media
company. Along the same lines, Google is employed by two breeds of user:
consumers who are searching and business partners of all sizes who seek
online visibility.
Google’s two sides can’t be separated like an Oreo cookie; they’re stuck
together by keywords. Keywords typed into the search engine are used also
to determine the ads placed next to the user’s search results, because advertisers
bid for the right to launch ads on those keywords.................

Google and Your Product
E-tailers whose catalogs range from one product to thousands can be represented
in Google’s two shopping portals: Google Catalogs and Froogle.
Google Catalogs is a search engine dedicated to displaying printed catalogs
and linking to their sites. It’s available only to companies that publish such
catalogs. Froogle is available to any business that sells a product through a
Web site.
There is no downside to being represented in Froogle and Google Catalogs.
Participation in both is free.........

Free ebooks download Hungry Minds - Macworld DVD Studio Pro Bible pdf file

Free ebook download Hungry Minds - Macworld DVD Studio Pro Bible and learn it easily. Here are some contents from this book.

Questions about DVD Studio Pro
If you have a question about DVD Studio Pro or DVD in general, try the following:
1. Make sure you’ve read the DVD Studio Pro Bible, and the latest DVD Studio Pro
manual. If you have DVD Studio Pro 1.0, you can download the free upgrade
to 1.1 from, and it comes with an
expanded manual.
2. Try going to and see if someone has already asked the same
question and see the answer.
3. Visit to see if the answer is in the DVD FAQ. The
DVD FAQ is also on the DVD-ROM that goes with this book, in HTML format.
4. Try going to or
support/ and look through the latest topics and postings......

Considering multitrack recording
A typical scenario when working with audio for a DVD project is that you are simply
using the audio that was recorded with the original video. Depending on the camera,
in most cases this audio is stereo, two-channel audio (left and right). If you
want to work with audio in a standalone application, and perhaps add additional
segments, such as director commentary, or take a finished music clip and adjust it,
a program capable of two channels may be adequate.
Another scenario is that you wish to record an initial track, such as dialogue (or in
the case of a typical music album, perhaps the drums), and then record additional
tracks, such as voices and sound effects (or musicians). You then mix these multiple
tracks down into the standard stereo (two-channel) audio file.......

The move from CD-ROM to DVD-ROM marks a major step forward in technology, but both
formats are rather static compared with the Internet’s ability to deliver content dynamically.
That is until ad2 developed a new technology called DynamicCD. While originally developed
for CD-ROM applications, the underlying programming code functions the same on
DVD-ROMs. Here’s how it works . . .

Free ebooks download Interview With The Vampire pdf file

Free ebook download Interview With The Vampire  and learn it easily. Here are some contents from this ebook

" I meant that I was wrong about myself, about my not denying him
anything. " His eyes moved over the far wall and fixed on the panes of
the window. " He began to see visions. "
" Real visions? " the boy asked, but again there was hesitation, as if
he were thinking of something else.
" I didn't think so, " the vampire answered. It happened when he was
fifteen. He was very handsome then. He had the smoothest skin and
the largest blue eyes. He was robust, not thin as I am now and was
then . . . but his eyes . . . it was as if when I looked into his eyes I
was standing alone on the edge of the world . . . on a windswept
ocean beach. There was nothing but the soft roar of the waves. Well, ".....

" Ali . . . excuse me, " he whispered. " What did you say? Did you
sell the plantations? "
" No, " said the vampire, his face calm as it had been from the start. "
I laughed at him. And he . . . he became incensed. He insisted his
command came from the Virgin herself. Who was I to disregard it?
Who indeed? " he asked softly, as if he were thinking of this again. ".....

" Yes, " said the vampire, looking at him without surprise. " I want to
go on telling you. " But as his eyes passed over the boy and returned to
the window, he showed only faint interest in the boy, who seemed
engaged in some silent inner struggle.
" But you said you didn't know about the visions, that you, a vampire
. . . didn't know for certain whether . .


Free ebook download 3d Studio Max 6 Bible pdf file

Download free ebook 3d Studio Max 6 Bible and learn 3d Studio Max 6 Bible easily. Here are ebook some contents.

Working with Max Scene Files
Of all the different file types and formats, there is one file type that
you will probably work with more than any other—the max format.
Max has its own proprietary format for its scene files. These files
have the .max extension and allow you to save your work as a file and
return to it at a later time.

Figure 3-2: Use the Save File As dialog box to save a scene
as a file.
The Save File As dialog box keeps a history list of the last five directories that you’ve opened.
You can select these directories from the History drop-down list at the top of the dialog box.
The buttons in this dialog box are the standard Windows file dialog box buttons used to go to
the last folder visited, go up one directory, create a new folder, and to view a pop-up menu of
file view options. The options include Large Icons, Small Icons, List, Details, and Thumbnails.
The thumbnail option displays an image of the active viewport,

Opening files
After you’ve saved a file, you might want to know how to open it again. Choosing File➪Open
(Ctrl+O) opens a file dialog box that is the same as the one used to save files, shown in Figure
3-2. Max can open files saved with the .max and .chr extensions. Max can also open VIZ
Render files that have the .drf extension.